Friday, February 1, 2008

Day 32

"Mom, I'm cracking!!!!" Said with tears running down cheeks...
If you squint, you can see the scratch on George's left calf. He came running from the bathroom this morning, crying that he was "cracking"!!!! Turns out he had jumped off a plastic box that was ON the bathroom counter and that's how he broke. I was trying not to laugh at his "cracking" worry and trying not to wring his neck for jumping off anything, let alone the bathroom counter! Grrrrrr... I told him he couldn't jump anymore and he responded by asking, "If I do, will I crack more?" He had tears in his eyes at the thought. I assured him that, yes, he would crack more! We'll see if that keeps him off the counters. Doubt it.


Donna said...

Awww, the things they think...I remember mine cut his forehead pretty bad once and was afraid his brain was falling out.

Jodi said...

It would be hard not to laugh, poor little fella, thinking he cracked!

very cute.

Robin said...

Oh, how sweet. See -- this is what's so great about blogging. You now have this memory preserved forever.