Sunday, February 3, 2008

Day 34

Thanks to my friend, Mary Beth, I have been reminded that my children really do need to learn to cook before they leave home. Rhys is nearly 11 years old and today was his first attempt at pancakes. They were awesome... (You can see what she lets her kiddo do if you click here. Yikes!)


Unknown said...

I need to start teaching my 14 year old to cook before she moves out!

Vick SHS

Unknown said...

Great job with the pancakes!!!

One summer, I decided to give my kids intensive training in home and family living. :^) For each day, one child was in charge of laundry (wash, dry, fold/hang, put away), the other clearing the table and washing the dishes (we don't have a dishwasher), and the third was in charge of all meals for the day.

We all worked together on menus and I helped depending on their age and ability. My son was 13 at the time and he could do everything almost all on his own.

Now my son is 20 and he can handle himself around the kitchen pretty well. My 13 dd today made chocolate chip cookies (okay, she was SUPPOSED to be cleaning the living room and doing laundry while I painted, but they were great cookies) and can make anything that has a recipe and quite a few things without. My 11 dd can fix herself breakfast and lunch and can also do the majority of any recipe on her own.

Cooking is a necessary skill! Kudos for working on it with your son!